April Reading Wrap Up

The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan, Joshua Swanson Murder on the Ballarat Train - Kerry Greenwood The Curse of the Pharaohs  - Elizabeth Peters

I happened to have a lot of free reading time at work during April. I didn't want to read any books that were going to require lots of attention and focus. So, I looked to an old favorite. 


When Percy Jackson first landed on the scene with The Lightning Thief, I was thrilled. He was my Greek Harry Potter. Yes, I just dared to make that comparison out loud. I am willing to accept any backlash that will follow from fans. But seriously? You know I'm right. Does that make Magnus Chase the Norse Harry Potter? Maybe but that would involve reading the books. I would start listing my reasons why but that's two maybe three other posts by themselves. 


Some of the students were thrilled when they saw I was reading Percy Jackson books. We started our own little book club. Hopefully I'm encouraging these kids to keep reading beyond Percy Jackson. 


In non-Percy Jackson reading, I managed to sneak in Murder on the Ballarat Train. I really do love Phyrne more and more with each book. I wanted to start watching the television series but I was told there are some spoilers as the show doesn't quite follow the order of the novels. 


Another outspoken female protagonist, Amelia Peabody made me roll my eyes in The Curse of the Pharaoh. While it is completely within her character to call her own child an "it", I was driven bonkers. On a related note, how is it possible Amelia and Emerson don't have more than just the one child? Seriously? 


While, we are on the topic on annoying things, GR changed things again. Ever since they added their re-read feature, my books are not showing up on my "read" shelf. They show up on my yearly challenge list but not my "read" shelf. Trying to get answers from GR is kind of a joke. I'm just going to complain here and see if anyone else has a similar problem.