The Samurai's Wife (Sano Ichiro #5) - Laura Joh Rowland

This is the first book I've finished in weeks. I'm slumping. Or I've just been distracted by video games lately. Or I've been trying to actually be asleep by a decent time. Or I just had a string of so many fantastic books that I'm still suffering major book hangover. Any and all of those things just might be true.
I really enjoyed the first three Sano Ichiro books. The characters and the setting were both so intriguing. Rowland does a masterful job bringing historical Japan to live and immersing the reader in samurai culture.
Then in the fourth book, Sano went and got himself a wife. That's fine. People get married all the time. The creation of heirs is important. Reiko is suppose to be Sano's equal. She's suppose to be a rare woman of the age. She reads. She writes. She's suppose to have above average intelligence. Only two of those things are true. Reiko is kind of an idiot. Reiko is so determined to show that she's an equal that she gets nasty tunnel vision. She makes a lot of bad choices. Those choices usually result in her being rescued by the men she so desperately wants to be equal to. Newsflash, if they have to constantly save you from yourself, you probably aren't going to be invited to come with. I thought maybe Reiko's experiences in book four would be enough to teach her a few lessons. As it stands, I learn as slowly as Reiko.
I'm sort of dreading future installments of this series. Sad.
Read 2/12/2020 - 2/29/2020
Book 15 of 75