Run Me to Earth - Paul Yoon

Yesterday, I took a day off. The official motto at my house was "Go ask your Dad". It was fabulous.
This little book was the perfect way to spend the day. It demanded to be devoured at once. I found that taking breaks longer than the amount of time needed to fill my coffee mug, really disrupted the author's flow. I found I had to go back and re-read a few passages if my break became too long. I found it was difficult to appreciate the structure of the book if you took too long between chapters.
It was a beautiful book about the Vietnam war and it's aftermath. Three orphans who are forced to find their way in a war torn country. A doctor who tries to protect them. It's got epic saga written all over it. However, I think Yoon would have lost something if this book had been any longer. Yoon has a gift. Anyone who can make the kind of impact he made in so few pages is nothing short of a genius.
I look forward to reading more of Yoon's work (as soon as I'm able to get back to a library). Asian culture is definitely something I don't read enough about. I don't think Asian authors and/or books get enough press in general. My goal of reading the Ultimate Historical Fiction list has made this painfully obvious.
Read 3/21/2020 - 3/21/2020
Book 20/75