My 11 year old is in desperate need of new things to read. Without being able to actually go into a library and browse shelves, we're struggling. She really, really wants to read the Hunger Games novels. However, I'm being a mean mom and not letting her read them. She struggled with the violence in the 7th Harry Potter novel. There were nightmares. She was upset for days. It was bad. So I'm saying no to Hunger Games for now.
She tried LOTR. She didn't like it. She read the first two Chronicles of Narnia books. She didn't like them. We've done all the Percy Jackson books. She loved Little Women but didn't like Anne of Green Gables. I tried to get her into the Black Stallion novels but she doesn't really care for horses.
She wants to try the Disney Twisted Tale series as well as the Villains series. She's on the waiting list at the library. Has anyone read those? Should they be alright for us?
Any other suggestions? She's read so much. I can hardly keep up. She does like Historical Fiction like her mother. She was constantly bringing WWII fiction home from school.