The Paragon Hotel - Lyndsay Faye

Let's mourn only for our losses. And never for the things we haven't lost quite yet. We already have an entire language that would be dead if you were.
Let's make it last.
This just might be one of my favorite final lines (Fine. Technically two lines.) in any book every. So good. Ugh. Lyndsay Faye is rapidly climbing my list of must-read authors.
Everything about this book was just. so. good. The characters were brilliant, complicated, hot messes. The interwoven story lines about the struggles of the Paragon Hotel residents and Nobody's time with the Mafia kept me on my toes. More than once I had to force myself to only read two chapters so I wouldn't get lost in this book. I actually had places to be this week.
And then there was that end. I've gotten pretty good at predicting how things are going to end. Wow was I wrong. I did not see that end coming.
Read 6/14/2020-6/24-2020
Book 41/75