BL-opoly Assistance Needed
My recently BL-opoly roll has landed me on the dog token. My task is to create a poll. As I'm leaving for a place with very limited internet availability later today, I'm likely to select the book with the most votes by 5-ish this afternoon (CST - USA).
I already have a pile of 4 books I was considering taking with me. The decision regarding what to read first is going to be entirely up to my BL friends.
I don't have the time to fiddle with creating a real poll. I'm just making a list and I trust friends to comment.
Books to Choose From:
A Talent for Murder (Agatha Christie #1) - Andrew Wilson
Fortune's Fool (Pliny the Younger #6) - Albert A Bell Jr.
The Huntress - Kate Quinn
And They Called it Camelot - Stephanie Marie Thornton